Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Getting to know your boyfriend can be a tough trick to pull off. Guys aren't always very forward with information about themselves so you may have to change the way you ask the questions to get him to be open to discussing such topics.

Setting up your questions in a type of game can be fun for both of you and can be something that your boyfriend would be up for. One way to do this is by rotating who gets to ask the question. You can start asking the first question and then let him ask any question he would like. You can also set it up where you both stay on the same topic and ask questions only relating to that topic.

Guys will like topics such as sex and activities, while you may want to know deeper things such as values and emotions. Getting him to open up about such things will be tricky, but asking the right questions can be the way to begin the conversation about such things and continuing with follow up questions can give you the information you would not be able to get naturally.

Now there are some questions to ask your boyfriend that you should wait to ask until you are further into your relationship, and there are also questions that you probably already know the answer to. If you are well into your relationship, then I would suggest you to ask all the questions you can, even if you know the answers. The reason is because things change and as people grow and grow together, your emotions and feelings change. This is perfectly normal and your answers to certain questions can change just as much as his answers can.

Another note to be aware of is that you have to be ready to know the truthful answers to the questions to ask your boyfriend that you are asking. You want your boyfriend to be truthful to the questions that you are asking him, just as you should be truthful to the questions he is asking. With both of you being totally truthful, you have to be ready if he does not answer the question you ask as you want or expect him to. This will definitely get you and your partner to know more about each other, but you have to be ready to accept what he says.

There are so many questions to ask your boyfriend and just getting to know him better should be the most important part of these interactions where you bring up these types of questions. Remember, drilling him with questions will make him feel like you are attacking him. Thus, work in these questions in a game like atmosphere or something light and fun.

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